Some of the features that makes Effect IO unique
Connected data
The method of structuring individual surveys data enables your organization to learn and improve the feedback. Creating a learning-loop that gives you more effect over time.
With the #anysurveysoftware you find around, each project lives it own life when it comes to data. When you create a copy of a survey project, the data is separated from the original project. Making comparison of data across different projects difficult. Effect.IO is a first mover towards being a feedback software that over time enables integrated quality improvement of evaluations.

Hassle-free reporting
The goal of any feedback project is the data and reporting, and as high quality as possible. We have made getting to the point straight-forward. With your self-defined predefined reports, all that is need is scoping what data to include in the report and it will be generated on the fly.

Intuitive survey editor
The core of the system, the survey editor is simple to use with its WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) approach. With its page-based structure, it is easy to organize even large surveys. Subscribing to Effect.IO gives you all the features in the editor.

Simple project management
Easily add respondents to your project. You don’t need to touch any editor to do this, as there is a very clear distinction in project manager and survey/report editor. A unique feature that makes dealing with surveys easier then ever. Creating new projects is all about what the aim for your project is. With your survey content well structured in Effect.IO, you simply choose what content the project should include. No longer do you need a masters degree in informatics to run even advanced surveys for your company.

Visual organization structure for segmenting respondents
Comparing departments in reports is straight forward when using the built-in organization structure segmenting. See how multiple departments perform across different projects running the same survey with few clicks.

Clear roles
Make a clear distinction between those who ‘program’ surveys and reports, and those who are running survey projects. This way, you get more flexible and secure projects. This means that you don’t need to go through the steps of dealing with an editor interface to gather feedback. With less confusing and technical interface it is easier to get the focus right – on the outcome of the feedback instead of technical details.